Tuesday, April 20, 2010

I Feel Like An Archeologist

It was obvious to me that someone had painted the fenders and the chain guard with black paint in a rather poor fashion, and I wanted to clean it off so that I could see the "New Hudson" decal hiding beneath it. I started with steel wool, but after noticing how thick the layer of black paint was (ok, it wasn't very thick, but thick enough to take an eternity to get through with steel wool) I decided to resort to a rather crude method: the knife.

Actually, this method worked quite well at removing the top layer of black paint while leaving the white paint below it intact. I presume this is because when the top layer of paint was applied, the person probably neglected to prepare the painting surface, and so the black paint just flaked off with the pass of the knife. I continued to gently scrape away the paint, and discovered the hidden decal, and couldn't help but feel like an archeologist at a dig, discovering an old fossil.

Now all that remains is to see if I can purchase similar or identical decals on eBay or somewhere...


  1. Spoko! GOod work bracie

  2. Seeing as I was awake prior to 6AM on a Sunday for some reason and have no work to do, I figured I'd check out this awesome project of yours. Looking good, can't wait to see the finished product!
